Our Good Friends at VFI have Released March’s Washington Activities Calendar!
Click on the blue "Learn More" button for more information on the Voices for Independence March 2025 activities calendar!
While TRPIL no longer provides Personal Assistance Services (PAS)– we are now an affiliate of Voices for Independence, who provide PAS in all of TRPIL’s previous service areas!
Voices for Independence is always hiring PAS caregivers in the Washington region and surrounding areas. Visit the Voices for Independence website to apply online easily and securely today!
Living well means embracing concepts like self-determination, choice, integration, freedom from barriers, and dignity of risk. It’s having the same opportunity as a person without a disability to pursue one’s own destiny. Only you know what you want to do with your life. Tell us what’s important to you and we can provide support along the way.
TRPIL already provides customized services to hundreds throughout Western PA. As a Center for Independent Living, TRPIL facilitates all the above while acting as a community center, offering empowering and fun activities, upon remodel.
TRPIL’s dedicated Advocacy program focuses on 3 different types of advocacy that someone with a disability may need to rely on– individual, self, and systems-advocacy.
Disability can have a real impact on your ever-changing day-to-day needs. TRPIL has services that help you transition through all different stages of life.
Peer Support allows people with disabilities to encourage one another to set and achieve goals for themselves. The philosophy is that people with disabilities understand one another’s struggles best when we relate to each other as peers.
Independent Living Skills Training is a unique service tailored to each person, in which an individual can work toward learning a new skill with the guidance of a TRPIL staff member, who also has a disability.
TRPIL connects people with disabilities and their families with information, resources, and service agencies. Every person’s needs and situations are different.
Promoting self-awareness and self-knowledge as a means to a healthier lifestyle is a primary goal of TRPIL’s Health & Wellness program. Through mentoring, resources, and additional programs, we can help you learn more about healthier choices.
TRPIL is the local outreach partner of the statewide program known as Technology for Our Whole Lives, (TechOWL). As a partner, TRPIL’s Assistive Technology Resource Center (ATRC) serves 7 counties, providing support in the form of adaptive devices which allows for greater independence and accessibility.
In the past, you or someone you know with disabilities may have been discouraged from seeking employment due to concerns over insurance coverage or complicated government programs. Contact TRPIL today to learn more about your options.